The Pelto Bad

8 Saunas. 10.000 qm space for sunbathing. Good food.

Just 15 minutes from Erfurt and Weimar.

Tell me to which sauna you go and I tell you who you are.
finnische proverb

Opening Hours

Monday till Friday: 14 - 23 

Saturday / Sunday: 11 - 23 


During Summer (June/Juli/August):

Monday till Friday: 14 - 23 

Saturday / Sunday: 11 - 23 


Jeden Tag gemischte Sauna.


Hours on public holidays:

Eastern: daily 11 - 20

1. Mai: 11 - 20 

Father's Day: 11 - 20

Pentecost: daily 11 - 20 

Chirstmas: 24.12. till 26.12. closed

New Years: 31.12. and 01.01. closed


From the 12.06.2017 till the 25.06.2017 we are closed for renovation. 



3 Hours – 19,50 €

Whole day – 22,50 €

Evening hours  (daily from 21) – 12,50 € (not valid for special events)


Children (till 16 years):

3 hours – 9,75 €

Whole day – 11,25 €


Pupils/Students whole day: 13,50 € (only on Tuesday)


Valid from 01.01.2021. Including value added tax.

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